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  • Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Shower Brush &Scrubber

    Brush ea Shower & Scrubber

    Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Shower Brush &Scrubber
    Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Shower Brush &Scrubber
    Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Shower Brush &Scrubber
    Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Shower Brush &Scrubber
    Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Shower Brush &Scrubber
    Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Shower Brush &Scrubber
    Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Shower Brush &Scrubber
    Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Shower Brush &Scrubber
    Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Shower Brush &Scrubber
    Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Shower Brush &Scrubber
    Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Shower Brush &Scrubber
    Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Shower Brush &Scrubber
    Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Shower Brush &Scrubber
    Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Shower Brush &Scrubber
    Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Shower Brush &Scrubber
    Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Shower Brush &Scrubber

    Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Shower Brush &Scrubber

    Boima: 86 * 87 * 88mm

    lintho tse bonahalang: Silicone

    Boima ba 'mele: 70g

    Mmala: amohela ho itlhophisa

    OEM/ODM e amoheleha

    Tsela ea Hao Bakeng sa Ho Hloekisa ka Monate, ho se Na Khatello ea Maikutlo

    ● Amohela The Serenity of Softness with Every Stroke

    Phahamisa nako ea hau ea ho hlapa hore e be sebaka sa boikhathollo sa boikhathollo ka Brush ea rona ea Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Brush. E etselitsoe ka mokhoa o nahanang ho kopanya ts'ebetso le boiketlo bo thobang, borashe bona ke tlatsetso ea bohlokoa molemong oa hau oa letsatsi le letsatsi oa ho itlhokomela.

      Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

      Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Brush6sl9Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Brush428bDecompression Silicone Airbag Bath Brush2sug

      Molemo oa Sehlahisoa

      ● Li-Silicone Bristles tse Bonolo: Tlhokomelo e Bonolo Bakeng sa Letlalo la Hao
      E entsoe ka li-silicone tse bonojoana tse bonojoana, borashe bona ba ho hlapa bo thella habonolo letlalong la hao, bo fana ka bohloeki bo tebileng ntle le ho sekisetsa ho bonolo. Bristle e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e sebetsa ka tumellano ho exfoliate ka bonolo, e siea letlalo la hao le ikutloa le le boreleli 'me le tsosolositsoe.

      ● Moqapi o Mocha oa Ho Tšoara: Ho Leketla ka Bothata bakeng sa Polokelo e Bonolo
      Mohele oa rona oa ergonomic ha oa etsetsoa feela ho ts'oara hantle; e na le tharollo e bohlale ea ho leketla. Moralo oa setshwano sa swap o etsa hore ho be bonolo ho boloka ka kamoreng ea hau ea ho hlapela - e fanyehe feela ka mor'a ho e sebelisa bakeng sa ho omisa habonolo le ho boloka sebaka.

      ● Sireletsehile le Bonolo: Setšabelo se Khathollang Bakeng sa 'Mele oa Hao
      Borashe ba ho hlapa bo entsoe ka tlhokomelo e kholo ka ho fetisisa bakeng sa polokeho le boiketlo, ho netefatsa hore ho ama ho hong le ho hong ho fokotsa khatello ea kelello le ho eketsa thabo. Botle ba eona bo botala ha bo monate feela letlalong la hao, empa hape bo thusa ho thibela likhatello tsa lefatše le ka ntle.

      ● Quick Joy Doubler: Fetolela Nako ea Hao ea ho Hlapa hore e be Nako ea Boithabiso
      Ka Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Brush, u ke ke ua hloekisa 'mele oa hau feela-u tla be u imena habeli thabo ea kemiso ea hau ea letsatsi le letsatsi. Lumella li-silicone bristles tse bonolo ho kokobetsa tsitsipano ea letsatsi, li u siee boemong ba thabo e hloekileng.

      Likarolo le Melemo

      ● Supple Silicone Bristles: Ho hloekisa hamonate empa ho sebetsa hantle bakeng sa ho ikutloa u khatholohile ntle le ho teneha.

      ● Easy-Hang Swap Handle: E etselitsoe hore e be bonolo, e khothalletsa ho omisa kapele le ho boloka bohloeki.

      ● Sebopeho sa Khatello ea Maikutlo: Motheo o phutholohileng oa airbag o fana ka khatello e tšelisang khahlanong le 'mele.

      ● E tšoarella 'me e na le Bohloeki: E hanana le ho ata ha libaktheria, e etsa hore motho a hlape ka mokhoa o hloekileng.

      ● Boipiletso bo Akaretsang: E ​​loketse mefuta eohle ea letlalo 'me e loketse motho e mong le e mong ea batlang molekane ea majabajaba oa ho hlapa.

      Guarantee ea Sehlahisoa

      Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Brush1wotDecompression Silicone Airbag Bath Brush5z7yDecompression Silicone Airbag Bath Brush93ct
      Mema khutso ka kamoreng ea hau ea ho hlapela ka Decompression Silicone Airbag Bath Brush-e leng mokhoa oa ho baleha o thobang o etselitsoeng ho tlosa khatello ea maikutlo le ho matlafatsa likelello tsa hau ka tšebeliso e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe.


      Ho paka: 1 pcs / opp mokotla sephutheloana, 150pcs / lebokose
      CTN: 45 * 45 * 40cm
      NW: 15 KG ,GW 16 KG
      Ho paka ka tloaelo hoa amoheleha: lebokose la mebala, blister, joalo-joalo.

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